Monday, November 18, 2013

101 in 1001

So I got the idea from a friend of a friend, sincerelyshannon  For the next 2.75 years I will push myself out of my comfort zone, learn about myself, my needs and ambitions and grow as a person. I believe this list will help me in doing so.  So here we go...

Start Date: November 18, 2013
Ending Date: August 14, 2016

1.      Go on a Yoga Retreat
2.      Go antiquing at Antique Capital USA (Lancaster PA)
3.       Go camping with friends.
4.       Buy a gun and feel comfortable using it.
5.       Go to the gym every day for one week.
6.      Take an interior design class
7.      Give up soda for a month
8.      Do 12 acts of Random Kindness
9.       Go on a picnic- use actual picnic basket.
10.   Send my sister a care package.
11.   Visit 3 states I’ve never been to.
12.   Take Duke and Fiona on a play date
13.   Try 10 new recipes
14.   Go on a cross-country road trip.
15.   Knit a blanket.
16.   Go to a museum with my sketch-book.
17.   Go to an outdoor movie.
18.   Ride a train/ferry/trolley/helicopter
19.  Decorate a room in someone else’s home
20.  Get a new stamp in my passport (maybe 2?).
21.  Get a beach cruiser.
22.   Learn a new language.
23.   Throw a dinner party. Send invites.
24.  De-clutter/ simplify my life. Throw away stuff I don’t need.
25.  Drink 8 glasses of water a day for a week.
26.  Get my eyebrows professionally waxed
27.  Take a cooking class
28.   Play in the rain
29.   Get a second hole pierced in my ear
30.  Go to a restaurant/bar alone, talk to a stranger
31.   Go on vacation with just my sister.
32.  Save three month’s salary.
33.  Pack bags with necessities to keep in car
34.  Learn how to properly knot a man’s tie and bow tie.
35.  Go scuba diving
36.  Host a game night.
37.   Hike on the Appalachian trail.
38.   Stand on or under a waterfall.
39.   Go to a movie by myself.
40.   Raise money for the Cancer Research
41.   Surprise someone with dessert.
42.   Read 1 book a month-more if possible, keep a record of books read each month.
43.  Go to a haunted house.
44.  Watch the sunrise in a new place.
45.  Mail 50 spontaneous letters/cards to friends and family
46.  Go to the Newseum
47.  Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
48.  Dress up real fancy and go somewhere
49.   Take a self defense class.
50.  Get two raises at work (1(*December 2013)/2)
51.  Paint something with oil paints
52.  Go to a Buddhist Temple
53.  Do a handstand
54.  Ride a jet ski
55.  Buy something from Lululemon’s
56.  Paint my bedroom
57.  Go on a trip by myself
58.  Try 5 new foods (1 (fresh pomegranate)
59.  Throw a party for someone else
60.  Go to a concert
61.  Join a organization/club
62.  Try a new form of exercise
63.  Make a foreign cuisine dinner.
64.  Buy a red dress
65.  Get a facial
66.  Go on five walks with Grandma
67.  Drink tea in a beautiful place
68.  Run a 5 Miler
69.  Start a blog
70.  Bake with Kelsey
71.  Find a great bottle of wine
72.  Get a king size bed
73.  Donate blood
74.  Treat Mom to something really special
75.  Run a 5K in under 30 minutes
76.  Keep my house plants alive
77.  Check out a book from the NYC Library
78.  Invest in my 401K
79.  Visit a friend/family in a different state/country
80.  Complete a puzzle
81.  Go to a Christmas Tree Farm and buy a tree
82.  Try paddle-boarding/SUP yoga
83.  Ride in a hot air balloon
84.  Send flowers to someone for no reason
85.  Own a pair of Hunter rain boots
86.  Make a new friend
87.  Go vegetarian for two weeks
88.  Help Mom with C.A.R.E.S. and her budget
89.  Go crabbing
90.  Visit a planetarium
91.  Write 5 love notes
92.  Jump off something high
93.  Remodel the master bathroom
94.  While on vacation, volunteer
95.  Host a wine and cheese party
96.  Do the 30-day squat challenge
97.  Try 10 new restaurants (1 tsunamis)
98.  Invest in a nice camera
99.  Complete 5 Pinterest DIY’s
100.  Inspire someone else to make a 101 in 1001 list.
101. Celebrate finishing my list and create a new list!

1 comment:

  1. Obviously my favorite is #70.
    Also, I believe I just asked you to help me decorate my house... accomplishing #19 when we actually do it.
    I'm excited to help you finish at least two of these!
    Love you! You're my favorite!
