Monday, November 18, 2013

101 in 1001

So I got the idea from a friend of a friend, sincerelyshannon  For the next 2.75 years I will push myself out of my comfort zone, learn about myself, my needs and ambitions and grow as a person. I believe this list will help me in doing so.  So here we go...

Start Date: November 18, 2013
Ending Date: August 14, 2016

1.      Go on a Yoga Retreat
2.      Go antiquing at Antique Capital USA (Lancaster PA)
3.       Go camping with friends.
4.       Buy a gun and feel comfortable using it.
5.       Go to the gym every day for one week.
6.      Take an interior design class
7.      Give up soda for a month
8.      Do 12 acts of Random Kindness
9.       Go on a picnic- use actual picnic basket.
10.   Send my sister a care package.
11.   Visit 3 states I’ve never been to.
12.   Take Duke and Fiona on a play date
13.   Try 10 new recipes
14.   Go on a cross-country road trip.
15.   Knit a blanket.
16.   Go to a museum with my sketch-book.
17.   Go to an outdoor movie.
18.   Ride a train/ferry/trolley/helicopter
19.  Decorate a room in someone else’s home
20.  Get a new stamp in my passport (maybe 2?).
21.  Get a beach cruiser.
22.   Learn a new language.
23.   Throw a dinner party. Send invites.
24.  De-clutter/ simplify my life. Throw away stuff I don’t need.
25.  Drink 8 glasses of water a day for a week.
26.  Get my eyebrows professionally waxed
27.  Take a cooking class
28.   Play in the rain
29.   Get a second hole pierced in my ear
30.  Go to a restaurant/bar alone, talk to a stranger
31.   Go on vacation with just my sister.
32.  Save three month’s salary.
33.  Pack bags with necessities to keep in car
34.  Learn how to properly knot a man’s tie and bow tie.
35.  Go scuba diving
36.  Host a game night.
37.   Hike on the Appalachian trail.
38.   Stand on or under a waterfall.
39.   Go to a movie by myself.
40.   Raise money for the Cancer Research
41.   Surprise someone with dessert.
42.   Read 1 book a month-more if possible, keep a record of books read each month.
43.  Go to a haunted house.
44.  Watch the sunrise in a new place.
45.  Mail 50 spontaneous letters/cards to friends and family
46.  Go to the Newseum
47.  Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
48.  Dress up real fancy and go somewhere
49.   Take a self defense class.
50.  Get two raises at work (1(*December 2013)/2)
51.  Paint something with oil paints
52.  Go to a Buddhist Temple
53.  Do a handstand
54.  Ride a jet ski
55.  Buy something from Lululemon’s
56.  Paint my bedroom
57.  Go on a trip by myself
58.  Try 5 new foods (1 (fresh pomegranate)
59.  Throw a party for someone else
60.  Go to a concert
61.  Join a organization/club
62.  Try a new form of exercise
63.  Make a foreign cuisine dinner.
64.  Buy a red dress
65.  Get a facial
66.  Go on five walks with Grandma
67.  Drink tea in a beautiful place
68.  Run a 5 Miler
69.  Start a blog
70.  Bake with Kelsey
71.  Find a great bottle of wine
72.  Get a king size bed
73.  Donate blood
74.  Treat Mom to something really special
75.  Run a 5K in under 30 minutes
76.  Keep my house plants alive
77.  Check out a book from the NYC Library
78.  Invest in my 401K
79.  Visit a friend/family in a different state/country
80.  Complete a puzzle
81.  Go to a Christmas Tree Farm and buy a tree
82.  Try paddle-boarding/SUP yoga
83.  Ride in a hot air balloon
84.  Send flowers to someone for no reason
85.  Own a pair of Hunter rain boots
86.  Make a new friend
87.  Go vegetarian for two weeks
88.  Help Mom with C.A.R.E.S. and her budget
89.  Go crabbing
90.  Visit a planetarium
91.  Write 5 love notes
92.  Jump off something high
93.  Remodel the master bathroom
94.  While on vacation, volunteer
95.  Host a wine and cheese party
96.  Do the 30-day squat challenge
97.  Try 10 new restaurants (1 tsunamis)
98.  Invest in a nice camera
99.  Complete 5 Pinterest DIY’s
100.  Inspire someone else to make a 101 in 1001 list.
101. Celebrate finishing my list and create a new list!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Welcome to French Bulldog Designs

I’m Starting With The Man Woman In The Mirror
At 25 years old, I am starting a new chapter in my life.  Quarter life crisis?... maybe.  New outlook on life?... Definitely.  What is life if you are not living, not thriving, not pushing yourself to be better? Life is short and I will no longer be going through the motions.  I will not let fear and disappointment hold me back.  I am woman, hear me ROAR!
So who am I? As of today, I am a yoga lover, frenchie lover, foodie, health and exercise enthusiast, list maker, music lover, wanna-be interior designer, wife, daughter, sister, friend who is looking for the meaning of life. 
My goals with this blog are to learn about myself, use it as a tool in my search for true happiness and share my love of interior design and decorating, health, frenchies and life.